Prime Life is a Lifestyle Program designed around your goals and objectives, both short, medium and long term. A key factor around this is having optimal health, vitality, purpose and functional movement to achieve your desired lifestyle with a focus on optimal aging and longevity. 

The program is specifically designed for men approaching, or who have reached middle age. Through ancestral wisdom and modern modalities, we can customise the correct protocols for us men to thrive, not just survive as we age. To unleash your potential to operate at your full human capacity. – This is what Prime Life is all about.

Our program looks to balance 4 main components of optimal living to maximise your overall health, wellbeing and longevity.

Prime Life is a Lifestyle Program designed around your goals and objectives, both short, medium and long term. A key factor around this is having optimal health, vitality, purpose and functional movement to achieve your desired lifestyle with a focus on optimal aging and longevity. 

The program is specifically designed for men approaching, or who have reached middle age. Through ancestral wisdom and modern modalities, we can customise the correct protocols for us men to thrive, not just survive as we age. To unleash your potential to operate at your full human capacity. – This is what Prime Life is all about.

Our program looks to balance 4 main components of optimal living to maximise your overall health, wellbeing and longevity.



some key points

negative talk

Don’t get fooled into the negative talk such as the following: - It’s all down hill from here. - Poor health, aches and pains, low energy are just the normal part of aging. - The best years are past me. That’s bullsh#t!!! Although if you believe it then you will manifest that. Research has proven that you can maintain muscle, stamina and fitness as you age.

Lifestyle changes

By implementing the lifestyle protocols in the Prime Lifestyle program we can slow down the aging process, promote longevity, empower you to be the best version of yourself and live your dreams. We are living longer and whilst we cannot reverse our chronological age we can reverse our biological age through our lifestyle choices.

retirement choices

What experiences and adventures do you want to fulfill in your retirement? What do you want to learn, create, see and do? What sort of legacy do you want to leave? Our choices now will dictate whether we thrive with the freedom of choices in retirement or to just survive and be restricted in what we can do and experience.


What about your relationships? Who do you want to spend the most of your time with? Who is in your tribe? Having strong connections with family, friends and community are major factors in our overall wellbeing, and a key aspect for healthy ageing and longevity. Take time and effort to foster those relationships.


The average life expectancy of a 50 year old male is to live to 81. That is the “average”. By undertaking the principals of Prime Life we would expect to do better than the average. So how do you want to live those years? I would hope in good health, functioning well physically and mentally.




some key points

negative talk

Don’t get fooled into the negative talk such as the following: - It’s all down hill from here. - Poor health, aches and pains, low energy are just the normal part of aging. - The best years are past me. That’s bullsh#t!!! Although if you believe it then you will manifest that. Research has proven that you can maintain muscle, stamina and fitness as you age.

Lifestyle changes

By implementing the lifestyle protocols in the Prime Lifestyle program we can slow down the aging process, promote longevity, empower you to be the best version of yourself and live your dreams. We are living longer and whilst we cannot reverse our chronological age we can reverse our biological age through our lifestyle choices.

retirement choices

What experiences and adventures do you want to fulfill in your retirement? What do you want to learn, create, see and do? What sort of legacy do you want to leave? Our choices now will dictate whether we thrive with the freedom of choices in retirement or to just survive and be restricted in what we can do and experience.


What about your relationships? Who do you want to spend the most of your time with? Who is in your tribe? Having strong connections with family, friends and community are major factors in our overall wellbeing, and a key aspect for healthy ageing and longevity. Take time and effort to foster those relationships.


The average life expectancy of a 50 year old male is to live to 81. That is the “average”. By undertaking the principals of Prime Life we would expect to do better than the average. So how do you want to live those years? I would hope in good health, functioning well physically and mentally.

“Health is everything: Without health, nothing else matters. People without health would trade in everything to get that back.”


Primelife is a lifestyle program designed around your goals and objectives in achieving an optimal quality of life with vitality, energy and purpose, to live life to the fullest.
The Prime Life Program is designed for men approaching, have arrived at, or have moved through middle age.
The aim is to LIVE WELL now, to AGE WELL.

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